This Is the final date for the Egyptian League to Restart

This Is the final date for the Egyptian League to Restart

The Egyptian Football Association (EFA) on Sunday said that the final date of the Egyptian League restart would be announced on next Thursday.

In a statement, the EFA said this decision was taken after the EFA’s normalisation committee held a meeting with the Egyptian Football team manager Hossam El-Badry and Egyptian Olympic team coach Shawky Gharib.

“The final date of resuming the Egyptian League will be announced on Thursday, while the matches schedule will be declared later based on the decisions, which will be taken on Tuesday during Confederation of the African Football’s meeting,” the EFA noted.

CAF is set to hold a meeting on Tuesday to decide on the final date of resuming the Champions League and the Confederation Cup matches.

It is worth mentioning that all football activities in Egypt was suspended since March because of the spread of coronavirus pandemic.

جمهور التالتة - ك. شوقي غريب في مداخلة هامة يوضح أهمية أستئناف الدوري للمنتخب الأولمبي والأول

On June 15, Egypt’s Sports and Youth Minister Dr. Ashraf Sobhi said that all football activities, including the Egyptian Premier League, have been given the go-ahead to restart on July 25 according to precautionary and preventive measures to curb the spread of coronavirus outbreak.

In a press conference, the sports minister said that football’s training sessions would be resumed on June 20, according to precautionary and preventive measures.

He also assured that the Egyptian Football Association and all the clubs are responsible for applying all precautionary and measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

“The preparation period to restart the season once again could need three weeks like what happened in England. It also can take less than three weeks as it happened in the other countries, so we have to confirm that the cases are not about football only, ” Sobhi said.

“We drew up a detailed guideline suggesting the way in which the sports activities would be resumed, according to precautionary and preventive measures,” the Sports Minister added.

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