Mr. Olympia BIG RAMY Arrives in EGYPT | VIDEO

Mr. Olympia BIG RAMY Arrives in EGYPT | VIDEO

Egyptian bodybuilding star Mamdouh Elssbiay ‘Big Ramy‘ has just arrived in his homeland, coming from New York after winning Mr. Olympia’s bodybuilding championship.
Fans gathered outside the airport to welcome big Ramy.

Big Ramy has become the first non-American to win the title since British champion Dorian Yates in 1997 to prove himself as the best bodybuilder in the world.

رامي ميكسبش بطولة رامي ميبقاش ناجح بيج رامي يتحدث عن صعوباته وكلام الناس عليه

Egyptian bodybuilding star Ramy Elssbiay ‘Big Ramy’, has claimed the 2020 Mr. Olympia title that took place in the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, United States early on Sunday.

The 36-year-old, Egyptian bodybuilder snatched the gold medal of the IFBB professional bodybuilding competition and was awarded a check for $400,000

جماهير "بيج رامي" بطل "مستر أولمبيا" تخترق الكردون الأمني لالتقاط صورة معه.. والأمن يعترضهم

استعدادات أمنية لاستقبال "بيج رامي" بطل "مستر أولمبيا 2020" وسط تواجد من أهله ومحبيه

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