Video: Modern Sports reviews Zamalek’s previous game Against Police U.

Zamalek’s de facto football director Ibrahim Hassan admitted that he had every intention to harm Police Union assistant coach Mohamed Ibrahim.

The White Knights’ 1-1 draw with Police on Wednesday was followed by a severe scuffle when some players clashed with each other.

Hassan wrecked havoc on the pitch too.

While head coach Hossam Hassan was trying to contain the situation, his twin brother was busy trying to beat the Police official.

The former Egypt international claimed that Ibrahim had made inappropriate gestures towards Zamalek fans, and that’s why he punched him.

Hassan also stressed that the assistant coach ‘wouldn’t have left the stadium’ if he had laid his hands on him.

“I would like to say to the (Egyptian FA’s) competition committee that if I had laid my hands on Mohamed Ibrahim, he wouldn’t have left the stadium,” Hassan told Modern TV.

“I was out of control because I couldn’t settle the score after he insulted me and Zamalek’s fans. What he did was outrageous.”

Here is the Video with phone interviews with Ibrahim Hassan, Hazem Emmam & Police U. Coach.

Part 1:

Part 2:

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